Maps & Directions
Enjoy the serenity of Seneca Lake
Why not plan to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the serenity of Seneca Lake? Located only 19.90 miles East (West coming from Magnolia Place) on Rt. 79 to Rt. 414. Your drive to Magnolia Place will take you over rolling hills dotted with farms, produce stands, and wonderful antiquing.
5240 State Rt. 414, Hector, NY. 14841
Other distances and driving times to Watkins Glen: We are 7 miles north on Rt. 414 (the East side of the lake).
- Albany, NY 165 miles-4.5 hours
- Boston, MA 350 miles-6 hours
- Buffalo, NY 120 miles-2.5 hours
- Cleveland, OH. 280 miles-4.5 hours
- Harrisburg, PA 250 miles-3.5 hours
- New York, NY 280 miles-4.5 hours
- Philadelphia, PA 250 miles-4 hours
- Pittsburgh, PA 268 miles-5 hours
- Rochester, NY 90 miles-1.5 hours
- Syracuse, NY 100 miles-1.5 hours
- Toronto, ON 200 miles-4.5 hours
- Rutland, VT 211 miles-5 hours
- Washington, DC 313 miles- 5.5 hours